One of the most iconic supergroups of all time, Kansas’ music has been featured in a tremendous number of Hollywood productions and video games.
"Carry On Wayward Son" was included on soundtracks for the following movies and television shows: Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgundy, Family Guy, Gentlemen Broncos, Happy Gilmore, Scrubs, South Park ("Guitar Queer-o" episode), King of the Hill ("My Own Private Rodeo") and Strangers with Candy ("Yes You Can't"). It was also featured in the video games Grand Theft Auto V, Guitar Hero II, Guitar Hero Smash Hits, Rock Band 2, and Rock Band Unplugged.
The song is frequently played throughout the show Supernatural and also appears in Supernatural: The Anime Series (as the ending for each episode). It is often hailed as the show's unofficial theme song.
“Dust in the Wind” appears twice in the 2003 movie Old School, once sung onscreen by Frank "The Tank" Ricard, played by Will Ferrell, at the funeral for Joseph "Blue" Pulaski, his fraternity brother, and also in the film’s end title credits. Dust in the Wind was also the core theme of a massive world-wide Subaru commercial campaign, during which the closing voice-over exclaimed how Subaru “makes the competition vanish like dust in the wind” under the song’s iconic acoustic opening.
The iconic song "Point of Know Return" was also featured in the 2021 DC Comics/Warner Bros feature film The Suicide Squad.
In the 1989 comedy Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure, Ted, played by Keanu Reeves, quotes the song lyric "All we are is dust in the wind, dude" to philosophize with Socrates. We agree with Keanu!
Kansas’ amazing music lives forever in their albums, live performances, and film, television, and gaming licenses.